
School Policies and Procedures at Crestview Elementary


Regular attendance is important.  Please call the attendance line at 801-402-3206 to report an absence.  We strongly encourage your student not miss more than 9 days of school over the course of the year.  We realize that health problems do arise.  In the event your child is going to miss school, please let us know so that we can work with them.  It is also important that you student be on time and attend the entire day.  Please help your student be on time and refrain from checking your student out early.

Baby Sitters/Day Cares

If you have a baby sitter or a day care, please work with them to be sure that they and you receive all notices that are sent home from the school with your children. Please keep the baby sitter/day care’s name, address, and telephone number updated on the registration card.

Bikes, Scooters, etc.

Wheeled transportation should be walked on school grounds at all times for the safety of everyone.  Bicycles, scooters, and skateboards may not be stored in the school and should be locked in the bike racks as soon as they arrive and left in place until it is time to go home. Rollerblades/skates should be changed out for shoes prior to entering the building. 

Bus Students

Students riding buses should be at the designated pick-up areas a few minutes before the bus arrives.  Students are expected to follow all rules and procedures expected on the bus and respect the bus driver.  For safety, if a child does not use appropriate self-control, and follow the rules in place, bus privileges may be revoked.  Non-bus students are not allowed on the bus.

Check Out

If a student needs to leave the school during school hours, it is State policy that the parents pick him/her up and sign him/her out at the office.  We cannot check students out with a telephone call.

Dress Code

Clothing, hair, and body should be neat, clean, and modest.  Extreme hairstyles or hair colors are prohibited; hair colors must be natural.  Shoes must be worn at all times.  Hats, hoods, etc. may not be worn in the school building.  Extreme low-rider, sagging or baggy pants may not be worn.  Summer wear must be modest.  Shirts can be sleeveless if the arm opening fits tightly around the arm and does not sag.  Halter tops, spaghetti straps and midriff tops are not appropriate.  Shorts may be worn, but must be hemmed and must not be excessively short.  Boxers, briefs, cut-offs, short shorts, or bicycle/spandex shorts are not allowed.  Clothing which displays obscene, vulgar, lewd, disrespectful, or sexually explicit words, messages, or pictures, clothing that can be identified as “gang related”, and clothing which shows an illegal substance are not allowed.  Clothing attachments or accessories which could cause injury are prohibited.  Exaggerated cosmetics, body paint, or body piercing are prohibited. 

First Aid and Medication

The school will try to reach parents when students are ill or injured.  If we cannot reach you, we will follow the instructions you have written on your child’s registration card.  Please keep this information up-to-date.  If a student needs medication because of doctor’s orders, a parent must come in to the office for a form.  This form must be signed by a doctor before any medication can be administered at school.  A new form must be filled out each school year.  All medication must be in licensed prescription bottles with directions on the outside. Students may bring one daily dose of medication for themselves as needed.  Staff will not be allowed to administer any medication at school unless a medical consent form is current and on file at the school.

Leaving School Grounds

Students are not permitted to leave school during the day except when properly checked out of school.


Students will be assigned a locker by the teacher.  The lockers do not lock, and students are not allowed to bring a personal lock for their lockers.  Students may use magnets to decorate the interior of their locker, but may not decorate with anything sticky or permanent.  The exterior of lockers may not be decorated.  Please do not expect that money, electronic devices, or items of value will be safe in a locker; items of value should not be brought to school. 

Lunch & Breakfast

Breakfast is available in the cafeteria beginning at 8:20. The only students allowed in the building before school are those in the cafeteria eating breakfast.  Students are excused outside as soon as they finish eating.  The school lunch program is available each day; students may also bring a sack lunch and purchase milk. On occasion, there are items that may be purchased ala carte at the beginning of the lunch line.  Lunch money should be payable to Davis Nutrition Services.  You can pay by cash, check, or on-line using a credit card.  If you choose to send money with your student, please put it in an envelope labeled with his/her name and the teacher’s name, and the amount enclosed.  If you qualify for free or reduced lunch, please do not send money until after you have completed a lunch application form.  This must be done yearly.  You have a 10-day grace period to do this. 

Monday Folder

A folder will be sent home with information for parents on the first school day of each week.  There will be one side designed for items that need to be returned to school, often with your signature and one side for advertisements and items to keep at home.  Please return them weekly.  We use the same folder all year!


The Health Code prohibits dogs, cats, and other animals on school property.  There is both personal and district liability with animals in school.  For other questions please call Risk Management at 801-402-5144.

Respect Crestview

We take great pride in Crestview’s Elementary School. We hope you enjoy playing in our field and walking the track. Vandalism of any kind to our school or neighborhood should be reported immediately.  Please help us maintain the security and beauty of our school.

School Arrival Time

Crestview Elementary does not provide for student supervision before or after school.  Children should arrive at school no earlier than 8:20 AM, and leave for home promptly after school.  Students are expected to be in their designated line when the morning bell rings. 

Stormy Weather

Schools in Davis County rarely close due to weather conditions.  In the event of a severe storm, please listen to your local radio stations for notices concerning school closures.  We do not insist that children go outside at recess time during excessively wet, windy, or cold weather.  However, on a normal day, children are expected to go outside for recess and to have adequate outer clothing, jackets, gloves, hats, boots, etc. to be comfortable.  Recess is considered part of the school day.  If your student needs to remain indoors for health reasons, you must send a note.  Students who remain inside during recess for health concerns will either be with their teacher in the classroom or in the office when the teacher is unavailable to supervise students.  When indoor recess is determined, children will remain in the classroom with activities to do.


Messages for students may be taken by the Office when there is an emergency or when it is essential for a student to receive information.  Since office telephones are constantly in use for school business, students may not use telephones unless given permission by a teacher.  Parents are encouraged to call teachers when they have questions, leaving a message and phone number with the office or on individual voice mail.  Electronic devices (such as cell phones and games) are not permitted to be used during school hours (they must be turned off during school hours) and may be confiscated by school officials if they disrupt the educational environment.


Students should not bring toys to school.  They may be confiscated by school officials when they disrupt the school day.

Electronic Device Policy
Crestview Elementary School


We realize there may be valid reasons a child has been given a cell phone to take to school.  However, we are concerned with student cell phone practices that may interfere with classroom learning. Therefore, we have set up some guidelines for cell phones and other electronic devices used by our students. 


For the purposes of this policy, “Electronic Device” means a privately owned wireless and/or portable electronic handheld equipment that include, but are not limited to, existing and emerging mobile communication systems and smart technologies (cell phones, smartphones, walkie-talkies, pagers, etc.), portable internet devices (mobile managers, mobile messengers, BlackBerry™ handset, etc.), Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) (Palm organizers, pocket PCs, etc.), handheld entertainment systems (video games, virtual pets, CD players, compact DVD players, MP3 players, iPods©, Walkman™ devices, etc.), and any other convergent communication technologies that do any number of the previously mentioned functions.  Electronic Device also includes any current or emerging wireless handheld technologies or portable information technology systems that can be used for word processing, wireless Internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording, information transmitting/receiving/storing, etc.

Possession and Use

Students may bring cell phones/electronic devices to school.  Once arriving at school, students must turn off all cell phones, electronic devices and secure them in a safe place.  After school has been dismissed for the day, students may then turn their cell phones back on to call parents or check their messages.  We would appreciate students taking their phones and using them outside so students can leave the building without interruption or incident.  Cell phones/electronic devices may NOT be used in the classroom, at recess or during lunch, or any other school sponsored activity or on school transportation.  Sending or checking text messages during the school day is not allowed.


Electronic Devices shall not be used in a way that threatens, humiliates, harasses, or intimidates school-related individuals, including students, employee, and visitors, or violates local, state, or federal law.


If an electronic device is being used during the school day, school sponsored activity, or school transportation, school staff will confiscate that phone until the end of the day.  If this happens more than once, the parent will be contacted to retrieve the device and discuss the issue.

Potential Disciplinary Actions

Violation of this policy can result in discipline up to and including suspension, in school suspension, or expulsion, and notification of law enforcement authorities.

A student who violates this policy may be prohibited from possession of an electronic device at school or school-related events, confiscation of device for a period of time, depending on the severity of the offense.

Security of Devices

Students shall be personally and solely responsible for the security of electronic devices brought to school.  The school shall not assume responsibility for theft, loss, damage, or unauthorized calls made with an electronic device.  If devices are loaned to or borrowed and misused by non-owners, device owners are jointly responsible for the misuse of policy violation(s).


Individual wishing to report a violation of this policy should contact a school administrator.

Prohibitions on Audio Recording

Camera or audio recording functions of electronic devices may pose threats to the personal privacy of individuals, used to exploit personal information, and/or compromise the integrity of educational programs.  Accordingly, the use of the audio recording or camera functions of electronic devices is strictly prohibited on school premises at all time.


With prior approval of the principal, the above prohibitions may be relaxed under the following circumstances:

The use is specifically required to implement a student’s current and valid IEP;
The use is at the direction of a teacher for educational purposes;
The use is determined by the principal to be necessary for other special circumstances, health-related reasons, or emergency.

Title I Information

Department of Justice Letters